Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nobbi Intimidated By Terri's Return

How classic was Nobbi's reaction to Terri returning to the House tonight? While he tried to act tough, his reactions ranged from fear, to denial, to panic.

When the penny dropped that she might be coming back Nobbi started saying a lot of "Ooooh, if she comes in here, I'll...", but never managed to decide how to finish that sentence.

Next he started denying it by yelling that she can't come back after she has been evicted, as if his own grasp of the rules of Big Brother were superior to BB's own.

After Terri entered he decided his best bet was to start collecting friends, fast! He quickly went around to as many HMs as he could and made sure they were on "his side". Strangely, Dixie was one of the first to reassure him, even though she was one of the ones that seemed to get along well with Terri on the first night.

After a commercial break Terri could be heard saying to Nobbi something about if she was here to chaperone him (rather than Corey). At this Nobbi ran off and stood behind a bunch of other HMs.

Terri admitted to Brigitte tonight that when she was asked to banish a HM to the combi van, she was apparently told by BB that she was only doing it to them for 1 night. But when she then thought of him being out there a week so far with no end in sight, she seemed to enjoy her decision even more.

At the moment it seems that Ben, Saxon, and Dixie are going to see Nobbi through this ordeal. Will we see Nobbi tell Terri what he thinks of her while she is in the house? Will his arguments be justified, or will it just be the same spite talk we have already heard from him? Or will he wait until Terri leaves again before he decides to stand up to her again?

Corey, and Stuff Like That, and... Yeh!

Just having a look at Corey's interview on the OS and here are the 3 phrases we are going to get most sick of for the next... however long!
  • "... or something like that."
  • "... and stuff like that."
  • "... and, yeh!"

Seems every sentence he says ends with one, OR MORE, of these 3 phrases! E.g. "I'm just a nice guy, or something like that... and stuff like that, I dunno." So this is what we'll be subjected to with Corey in the house.

Also, I'm hoping there will be a sunglasses showdown between Corey and Travis. Corey may have his $2 yellow plastic sunnies as part of his "image", but Travis has his heart shaped sunglasses (now broken though, I think), and his blue sunglasses with the plastic criss-crosses that I'm sure you could not possibly see anything through!

Lastly my wishes for Corey are that most of the Housemates think he is a tool and completely shoot down his ego. I wanna see him crying to Big Brother by the end of tonight! Then it will all be worthwhile!