Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Carson's Back Tomorrow

Even though it happened a week ago, BB will air the second Carson Crashes special tomorrow night. Now that Rebecca has been evicted, will they edit her out of it and make it look "live"? If they do the fashion show in the same way as last time, they won't be able to, as they all stood along the back of the stage.

After watching some episodes of How to Look Good Naked, I have a new favourite Carson word, and I hope he uses it tomorrow night-- I like the way he turns the simple word "bra" into "BRRRRRAWWWWW". It's like he's never going to stop pronouncing it. Listen out for it!

More Fuel for the Flame

Everybody's been speculating about Travis' sexuality. His clothes, his voice, his love of the Spice Girls, etc. Just now on the Live Stream they were talking about their favourite foods. Travis' favourite? Quiche!

Nathan & Renee, Dancing by the Tree. N, O, T, H, I, N, G!

From tonight's Daily Show, it seems that most of the HMs gave up rehearsing for this week's dance task not too long after their official practice session was over. Except for Nathan & Renne, who seemed to be "rehearsing" from 9am until well into the evening.

More likely it was just a chance for Nathan to be Mr Sucky Nice Guy to her all day, and Renee to be Miss Shy Tough Chick to him.

"Ooooh, I'm embarrassed to touch your face." Blargh!

Just hurry up and become this year's BB couple so we can evict Nathan and watch Renee get over him in 5 minutes flat and him to pine for her from the outside as if they still stand a chance! Renee was fun til Nathan came along.

Right Back At Ya Tom

Last night on Big Mouth, special comedian guest Tom Gleeson went on a rant about how the only thing Terri ever says is "I'm 52. I'm 52. Oh, I'm 52..." and so on.

Shortly after that he went on to make a joke about himself being a red-head and getting sunburnt every time he goes into the sun-- a joke he tells in EVERY appearance he makes! He has done it in the Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala, when I saw him at the Jason Alexander comedy show a couple of years ago, and probably in every TV appearance I have seen him in.

So, Tom, when you base your entire professional existence on the same line, don't have a go at the HMs for being repetitive.