Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mole Unearthed

After 3 days of non-stop speculation, BB has called in all the mole guesses from the HMs. The only one who was not a suspect was Cherry as he was an Intruder, and in turn he was the only one to not vote for Brigitte as the mole. The OS Diary doesn't specify who he did name though.

So did the task have the effect desired? It certainly made the HMs speculate strongly about each others' characteristics, and things about each other they may not think were genuine or being fully shown. How many times did people tell Brigitte she was really intelligent and was just playing a typical dumb blonde, only for her to know she really is a typical dumb blonde.

In a replay of the Travis-Alice spa incident, as soon as Travis named Brigitte as the mole he broke into tears. Seems the guy can't even force himself to say a bad word about someone. And this in turn made Rima start crying. Did she know what she was getting herself into with this task? Well when she revealed that there was no mole and this was just her Hand Grenade to the House, she did it via the plasma screens from the Diary Room, and announced she was not returning to the House again. Makes me think this was not planned, and she decided on the spot not to go back and face up to the fallout of her trick.

Maybe explaining herself might have helped though because Bianca seemed to blame Rima outright for the whole prank, and threw items around the backyard in a fury, and called her some pretty bad names.

A few hours on and the House seems to be back to normal, but I'm sure they'll still think of the things that have been said about each of them for the past 3 days.