Friday, July 4, 2008

Cherry Ripe for Finals

Having won another FNL, Cherry would have to be pretty unlucky to not get into the final week of the show now. Last week he was the only HM to get NO nomination points, proving he is as far under the radar as he can go without dragging along the ground. If the public were nominating and HMs evicting like at the start of the season, I don't think he'd still be there.

So he is not nominated this week, and assuming they do go ahead with the midweek eviction this week, then Monday's nominations will be for Wednesday's eviction when Cherry will have the chance to save himself. If he is not unlucky enough to get himself nominated this time, then the earliest he will go is next Sunday.

But with HMs ignoring his nominatability and viewers seemingly liking him, we may see him get through to the final eviction the night before the Finale, or even in the final 3!