Tuesday, April 15, 2008

84 Days

Sounds like ths series will only run 84 days this year. The 100 days of the last few years was a bit of a magic number-- 84 just doesn't sound as good.

But it is a good solid 12 weeks, and assuming this is the year BB proves itself all over again, it is probably reasonable that they reduce the length back to where it used to be in the first 4 seasons. BB needs to build up its character as a new show and whatever it takes to do that and ensure many more series, I will live with.

I'm hoping they don't overdo the HMs though. If the rumoured 18 are to enter in the first week, this leaves no room for intruders. It would actually be really refreshing, and prove the format even more, if they had a year with no intruders. Firstly because HMs will expect them and have bets every week that "this is the week", and also because it will prove the strength of the characters they put in to begin with. Of course if the original HM casting is screwed up then this will ruin everything.

Also, the Calendar at the top of this page has been updated with the Day numbers from 0 to 84, with the finale presumably falling on Sunday July 20. Just click the "Google Calendars" logo to import my Calendars into your Google Calendar account. This will automatically update your schedule with all the BB TV shows and events I add as the series goes on.

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