Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Granny Gone

The young whipper-snappers of the BB house have ganged up on granny and sent the oldest HM ever home without setting foot inside.

It looks like the nominations were cleverly edited into a different order, since before the ad break Terri had received no votes, and it looked like Ben was the HMs' choice. Then at the end 4 votes in a row all to Terri.

Also, Dixie's vote was shown last. If she actually did vote last, did she not realise she had the power to either possibly save Terri, or save her own face? If she had voted Ben, she would have tied the votes and forced a tie-break of some kind. If she actually wanted to see Terri evicted, or knew she would be, she could have just voted Terri and not had to nominate someone who was obviously going to stay in the house and hold a grudge against her for her vote. Either Dixie didn't actually vote last, or she was not thinking clearly enough to figure out this gameplan, or she is just too honest to play the game.

It's unfortunate that Terri is gone so soon, as she would have been a good contrast to the others. In her short time she certainly had a few comments to make under her breath about the others. We won't get to see her compete in Friday Night Games, or snuggle up to the boys in the mega-bed, or jump under a cold shower (thank god!).

On the Live Stream tonight Ben's shameless attempt at rapping said it all:
I'm wearing a hood, coz that's where I'm from.
Terri got evicted coz I don't need a mom.

I think there's something in that for all of us! LOL.

But at least BB has let her take her revenge on someone-- and I think it might be Nobbi.

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