Sunday, May 4, 2008

Corey, and Stuff Like That, and... Yeh!

Just having a look at Corey's interview on the OS and here are the 3 phrases we are going to get most sick of for the next... however long!
  • "... or something like that."
  • "... and stuff like that."
  • "... and, yeh!"

Seems every sentence he says ends with one, OR MORE, of these 3 phrases! E.g. "I'm just a nice guy, or something like that... and stuff like that, I dunno." So this is what we'll be subjected to with Corey in the house.

Also, I'm hoping there will be a sunglasses showdown between Corey and Travis. Corey may have his $2 yellow plastic sunnies as part of his "image", but Travis has his heart shaped sunglasses (now broken though, I think), and his blue sunglasses with the plastic criss-crosses that I'm sure you could not possibly see anything through!

Lastly my wishes for Corey are that most of the Housemates think he is a tool and completely shoot down his ego. I wanna see him crying to Big Brother by the end of tonight! Then it will all be worthwhile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha that's why they're probably bringing back Terri because she'll probably put Corey over her knee and smack him like his mother should of.

lol @ sunglasses show down. It'll be opticals at dawn... *whistles like in those old cowboy movies*