Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Gimmick Missing From Daily Show

BB's latest gimmick, the BB Vending Machine, failed to make an appearance in tonight's Daily Show. Undoubtedly it will return many times throughout the season, but its first appearance to the HMs must have failed to make a splash.

While 4 of the HMs were in "Bali", BB gave the others 15 coins to spend in the BB Vending Machine. Items included personal things such as Nathan's treasured item, and a new pair of heart-shaped sunglasses to replace Travis' broken pair, to items to share such as chocolates. In the end the altruistic option won, and all HMs divvied up the chocolates between themselves.

I'm sure if Nathan picked his own item to purchase it would have made a storyline for the Daily Show, but the HMs are being too nice now.

I can't wait for BB to put Princess Sparkles in there and see what Brigitte or the others decide to do with their pocket money. Some HMs would feel sorry for her and buy back the toy. Maybe they would do it to shut up her continual crying. But perhaps someone like Nobbi would have Saxon's legend live on and leave the stuffed unicorn behind glass to set off Brigitte on another outburst.

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