Friday, June 6, 2008

Travis Loses Posimism

Who would have though it? Travis has finally seen a bad side in someone and stood up for himself. Finally he sees through the boys' facade of friendship.

In what was the best 15 minutes of Daily Show for the year, Rory, Ben, and Nobbi got their comeuppance for 6 weeks of taunting Travis and taking advantage of his naivety.

On Wednesday, the 3 boys, lead by Nobbi, told Travis that despite Alice telling Travis she was his friend, she was backstabbing him and telling them the other boys he was her least favourite in the House, and even that she said she hated him. Travis was very hurt by this, and when the topic came up with Alice herself, he asked her what she thought of their friendship. Alice's story was that she would just not like to have a friend on the outside who let others take advantage of him like the other boys do. Travis informed the cabal of what she had said to him, and they turned on him calling him a traitor for speaking to Alice about what they had told him, questionning his trust in them. (See this blog for what I think of that!)

After all this was put into place, Nobbi then made his dirtiest play to turn the HMs against Travis. While playing Truth or Dare in the spa, Nobbi asked Travis the truth on who was his least favourite Housemate, and then went on to qualify Travis' answer by adding the phrase "based on recent conversations". Travis is now between a rock and a hard place. After the boys' accusation of his disloyalty, he couldn't not name Alice, for fear of further rejection by the boys. If he named Alice, what would the girls think of him. He had been set up by the one he trusted most in there-- Nobbi!

So, being the loyal person he is, Travis sided with Nobbi and the boys and named Alice his least favourite and gave the reasons the boys had planted in his head. This brought Alice to tears, and then brought Travis to tears, much to the unhidable delight of Nobbi who looked like he was about to explode with his love for himself. His usually smug, ugly face that looks like he chases parked cars for a living was beaming.

Travis runs to the sanctuary of the bedroom with Cherry. The inncoent one has now seen the evil side of his HMs. The spa games have ended in tears, and some HMs come to Travis' side, including Ben. The other perpetrators stay in the spa and are questionned by Alice. Ben tries to comfort Travis, however when he leaves Travis tells the girls that Ben was as much behind it as Nobbi and Rory were. The girls know.

Finally, Alice and Travis get together in the bedroom and talk about it. Travis tells her Nobbi's move was very underhanded and I think he now knows not to trust the other boys so much. Alice understands, probably giving him extra credit because he is Travis and probably didn't even see the mess he was getting himself into. The story ended on Alice and Travis making up, but now against the other boys, especially Nobbi.

The fan's reaction to this, and their support for Travis, was later seen on FNL where the crowd actually booed Nobbi as the winner, possibly either told to by the crowd warmup guy, or at least led to by the hosts' comments about the incident.

Hopefully they keep the anti-Nobbi pot boiling for the next 2 weeks, because he may get the chnace to save himself from eviction this week. If he was nominated this week, that would have been the end of him.

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