Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Way To Make FNL Fair for Terrence

Terrence is at a serious disadvantage if he never gets to compete in FNL because of his neck issues. So, if he doesn't get evicted this week, or next week, here's a way to solve the problem...

Make the first game something non-physical-- a quiz or memory game that Terrence can compete in. If he goes out in this round, he is out: that's it. If he gets through the first round, Terrence gets to choose any eliminated HM to represent him in the following games. The player would play on and when they are eliminated they and Terrence are out. If Terrence's representative wins, Terrence gets the Eviction Twist, the representative player gets HoH, and they share the "mystery" prize-- a movie or a flight to the Holiday House.

Of course they should have done this 3 weeks ago, because there are really only 2 more FNLs that will give the HMs an advantage.

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