Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pamela's Quick Pop-In

I can't believe how quickly the HMs realised the "Pamela Anderson impersonator" was really Pamela Anderson. Good call. Rory was still skeptical when he saw her in the Diary Room, though I think he just didn't know whether to gush or act cool. He did get his hands on her as many times as possible in the Diary Room, just in case.

I cringed when they went into the Banquet Room and there were glasses of champagne on the table. You can just imagine someone like Pamela Anderson drinking BB-quality champagne! A nice 2008 vintage from Dreamworld Winery!

Pamela mentioned a few times that they don't have a Big Brother in the USA. I guess her tastes don't go as far as CBS. BB USA has been running as long as ours has!

Alice was a very good interviewer and knew all the questions to ask from the magazines, about Tommy Lee and her kids. They asked about parent-teacher night at her kids' school and she said she is a member of the Parents and Teachers Association and does crossing guard duty on Mondays. (Did you just imagine a car not stopping and Pamela in the red swimsuit go slow-mo jogging after it too?)

But then halfway through their meal, it was time for Pamela to leave. She promised she would be back tomorrow and would do something to do with abs and glitter. She said she would be in and out of the House until Saturday.

The HMs can't believe their luck getting to hang out with a celebrity, and they have already speculated what she must be thinking of them-- mainly that they are losers and they are crap. Alice has set to work cleaning everything in the House for her return tomorrow.

I guess tomorrow's 1 hour Daily Show will include tonight's events plus Thursday morning's. I still wonder if they will edit it to look like Pamela never left the House. Though airing Brigitte's goodbye message and hand grenade in the middle will show she is missing from their midst.


Anonymous said...

you better not have left me standing in the cold this morning because you were up writing this shit

Anonymous said...

How dare you say this is shit? BB is awesome!

Anonymous said...

read what is written before you write your idiotic comments. And what i dare say is anything i fucken want