Monday, August 6, 2012

So Much For Diversity

In an interview with the Executive Producer of this year's BB, Alex Mavroidakis says HMs are now in lockdown, and range in age from late teens to late 30s. Hang on. With no upper age limit for applicants we still ended up with an age spread of only 20 years?

We have had HMs in their 40s in the past, and don't forget BB08 winner Terri who was a 52 year old grandmother, and cohabitant Terrence who was 51.

But I guess BB is a young person's game. You have to leave your life for 3 months and sever contact with all family and friends. It is likely there just weren't enough applicants to choose from in the older age range.

At least we won't be in for another 05 season in which everyone was single and under 30. SOME diversity is better than none.

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