Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eyes on the Prize

The TV ads are telling us that the BB grand prize will be announced this Sunday night.

On Mike Goldman's blog he said the HMs will be surprised when they find out the prize is right under their noses. This could mean physically, as in the prize is somewhere in the House and maybe has been since the beginning, and will be unveilled to them on Sunday. Maybe they'll have to dig up the backyard looking for it.

Maybe the prize is the House! But who would want a TV set in the bush out the back of a theme park? Maybe it is shares in Dreamworld. Now that's just getting silly.

Surely the prize will be cash. Maybe it will go back to $1m like in BB04. But will any type of fines be deducted from it?

The only time we've heard of cash prizes before in any official capacity is when Corey left the House and "won" the HMs $60,000. However, the HMs have sometimes talked about prize money on the live streams only to have the audio cut off, so maybe they know more than we do... and they are trapped in a House with no outside communication!!

If the prize is not part of the game like it has been the last few years with the fines and everything, then it really shouldn't matter to the viewers what the prize is, so it is kind of good BB has held onto some information until halfway through the series. At least there is something to announce rather than everything being spilled on opening night. Hopefully the prize is something interesting and they announce it in an interesting way. I hope the HMs really are surprised!

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