Monday, June 9, 2008

A Likely Lineup

Nobbi's FNL Twist has been executed and leaves a likely lineup of the 3 intruders, plus picked-on Alice, nominated for eviction this weekend.

After Nobbi receiving a huge chunk of the nomination votes (8 in total, the highest this week), he got the opportunity to remove himself from the nominees, leaving Alice and Terrence on the chopping block.

The next most voted HMs happened to be the other 2 intruders, Cherry and Rhianna, on equal votes.

This leaves a tough choice for the voting public.

I'd say Alice is now safe being the only original up against the 3 newbies.

Terrence is by far the most annoying to the HMs, but that makes him a very funny one to watch on TV. In general the public fail to see the difference though, and often vote off the ones they wouldn't want to live with, rather than the ones that are least fun to watch.

Cherry has all the girls drooling, so might be saved for that reason. Most voters are young girls and will keep the eye candy in the House. Plus they will be hoping to see romance.

Which might be Rhianna's only saving grace as well. The "romance" between her and Rory is heating up. It doesn't look like it has the potential to get as big as other BB romances like Jamie & Katie, Marty & Jess, Peter & Christina, etc. But there is physical stuff going on there.

We'll have to see what the public perception of the nominees is. I would suggest getting rid of Cherry at this stage, as the least likeable, least funny, and least contributor of the four.

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